Aug 18, 2008

the new new face

new york magazine hade en feature om de nya ansiktsmodifieringarna, ett ämne jag vet i stort sett ingenting om, alltså var det mycket intressant och ledde till timmar av bildgoogling och läsning om ämnet ifråga. det är så udda, det är något av de mest bisarra saker som människor någonsin gjort - att skära upp och drar åt ansiktshuden. det är så terry gilliam ringde och ville ha tillbaka sin plot.

Women have been availing themselves of new faces since the dawn of plastic surgery, but suddenly it seemed that there was a better new face to be had. There is a New New Face, very different from the old one, and both my friend and Madonna now have it. Once I starting thinking of it in these terms—the face as the new handbag, say—I started seeing New New Faces everywhere: Demi Moore, Michelle Pfeiffer, Liz Hurley, Naomi Campbell, Stephanie Seymour. They all have it! Even the Olsen twins seem to have a starter version of the New New Face, with their big crazy doll eyes and plush lips. Just to be clear, I don’t presume to know exactly what any of these women have done to their faces, if anything at all. It’s possible (though in some cases before-and-after pictures would seem to suggest otherwise) that this face is occurring entirely naturally—after all, these are women who are famous for being beautiful. The point is that there is a noticeable aesthetic shift happening in the face, and that it’s dovetailing with quantum leaps in plastic surgery and dermatology.

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